Milk Bikis Jelly Cake

Milk Bikis Jelly Cake
Sweet Treats
Milk Bikis
Published on
Aug 23, 2024

Looking for the perfect biscuit jelly cake to try at home? We’ve put our own spin on the classic jelly cake with Britannia Milk Bikis! It’s jiggly, it’s tasty and it’s easy to make. Try this dessert recipe now to fulfil your sweet tooth.

Prep time
10 min
Cook time
15 min
25 min
Milk Bikis Jelly Cake
Milk Bikis Jelly Cake
Milk Bikis Jelly Cake
Milk Bikis Jelly Cake
Milk Bikis Jelly Cake
Milk Bikis Jelly Cake


  • 1 pack of Britannia Milk Bikis
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • ⅓ cup custard powder
  • ½ tsp agar agar powder

How to make :

Milk Bikis Jelly Cake

  1. Take your pack of Britannia Milk Bikis and grind 8–10 biscuits into crumbs.
  2. Empty the crumbs into a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add 2 tbsp melted butter to the bowl and mix till it combines.
  4. Line the bottom of your cake pan with this mixture.
  5. Pop it in the fridge for 30 minutes till it sets.
  6. Add 2 cups of milk to a pan.
  7. Add 4 tbsp of sugar and ⅓ cup custard powder.
  8. Cook until the mixture thickens.
  9. Once you have a nice thick mixture, take it off the heat and wait for it to cool a little.
  10. Once cool, pour the custard mix over the biscuit layer and refrigerate for one hour.
  11. Next, prepare your jelly layer by taking 1 cup of water in a pan.
  12. Add 2 tbsp sugar and ½ tsp agar agar powder and bring the mixture to a boil.
  13. Set this aside and remove your custard layer from the fridge.
  14. Take some more Milk Bikis Cookies and place them on top of the custard layer.
  15. Pour the agar agar mixture over this and then refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  16. Once the jelly has set, your Milk Bikis jelly cake is ready to serve!

Special Tip

 You can also prepare this cake in a glass as an easy single-serve dessert recipe!


Share your recipe with us

Britannia products have been the star of simple kitchen recipes for decades. From dipping our biscuits in your morning chai to crushing them up for a late night mug cake, we know you’ve tried it all. Now it’s time to share those recipes with us.